LUMI for business

Are you a company in need of powerful computer resources? 

Harness the power of LUMI, the fastest supercomputer in Europe and the fifth fastest globally (the Top500 list published in June 2024). 

There are several ways you can become a company user of LUMI: 

  • Private–Public collaboration project 
    • Company is involved in a project in cooperation with a Belgian university or research institution
      (academic partner) 
    • This use is free of charge if results are open and published. If the results are owned by
      the company, the use will be charged according to the pricelist of LUMI
      computing services. 
  • Pay-per-use model 
    • Company signs a contract and pays for the resources according to the
      price list. The results of projects are owned by the company and they don´t
      need to be public.  
  • Test before use (“Try&Buy”) (similar to the Exploratory access of the Flemish Super Computer ) 
  • A company can get familiar with and test the suitability of LUMI computing services for the intended purpose free of charge through a “Try&Buy” -  project
    • The company project is created with two user accounts.
    • Project will have limited CPU-, GPU-, and data storage resources for testing
      purposes equivalent to a preparatory project. 
    • Expert support will be available to get started with the LUMI usage, provided there is some effort from the company itself as well to share knowledge (same model as the former PRACE SHAPE program.)
    • The testing project is available for a limited time. 

Attention! Please bear in mind: 

  • LUMI for business is meant for research and development, not for production runs
  • Not all (commercial) software might run due to the specific hardware and software environment. 
  • LUMI is a technology development platform and does not have the same level of stability and quality of service as clusters based on established technology. 
  • No data backup and not the level of redundancy that commercial providers offer. 
  • System software on LUMI follows the “long-term service releases” from HPE, which implies that the latest and greatest may not always be present. 
  • Only basic support included (getting started, issues while running jobs, …). 
  • All jobs independent of the access channel enter in a batch queue. No special priority for paid use.


Check the Price List for LUMI Computing Services here (please note that for Belgium the numbers are excl. BTW)