Introducing: the HPC teaching kit (French version)

HPC teaching kit by EuroCC belgium

The HPC teaching kit is a set of documents and videos for science teachers and students. Today, we present the french version (the dutch and english versions will be distributed later this year). These documents can be used as support in a computer science course or distributed directly to students. The kit consists firstly of a 2-part slide deck on HPC (part 1 and part 2), highlighting examples of applications, the Belgian infrastructure, the structure of a supercomputer and the principle of parallelization. A recording of this presentation is also available on Youtube:

Part 1 Part 2


It also contains a starting kit: a 2 pages document giving all the relevant information for anyone wanting to get started in HPC.

the 2 pages of the starting kit


Feel free to distribute these documents to anyone who might be interested. The powerpoint versions of the slide deck and of the starting kit are also available, on request, for anyone wishing to modify it.